
The governing body is responsible for working strategically with the school to ensure a high quality education. They make key decisions like appointing the headteacher, and decisions which directly affect the direction of the school and the well-being of the children. School governors can really make a difference in improving standards throughout the school.

A Governing Body of a school has three main roles in the school:  to be strategic, to act as a critical friend, and to be accountable for the schools best interests financially and academically. 

The expectation of individual governors is to focus on raising standards to help every child achieve their potential, get to know the school and become involved in school life and activities, and respect the professional expertise of the headteacher and staff.  All new governors should attend an induction course and follow ongoing training and development for their individual roles. 

We all lead busy lives but the meetings are held approximately three times a term so can be fitted in to most schedules, and with the odd hour to play an active part in school life to support the school with your own expertise as much as possible. 

As Chair of Governors, I feel very privileged and fortunate to work alongside such a dedicated group of Governors as well as our extremely hard working staff, who are passionate in ensuring that each and every child at Katherine Semar is in a safe and caring environment, where they are supported in reaching their full potential.

Peta Torrance
Chair of Governors


To contact the Chair of Governors please write to:

Peta Torrance

Care of Katherine Semar Schools
Ross Close
Saffron Walden
CB11 4DU