Concert by KSS Choir June 2024

Katherine Semar Junior choir performed their last concert of the year on Thursday 27th June. The children had worked very hard for this performance, led by the wonderful Mrs Wheeler.

The concert presented a selection of songs from the piece Yanomamo, by Peter Rose and Ann Conlan. This piece explores the beauty of the rainforest, and the interconnection between its animals, plants and people-the Yanomami.

We performed to the school in the afternoon and then again to parents after school. Several pupils had the opportunity to showcase their singing with solo spots. Bella performed The Sloth, a beautifully slow and ponderous song requiring great vocal control and poise. Eleanor, Martha, Katie, Poppy and Lulu introduced us to The Jungle Garden, singing their solo lines with sensitivity.

The songs were linked with some narration, ably delivered by Bethan, Florence, Evie, Evan, Lily, Rose, Julia and Lulu.

 To see videos of these performances, please click here -