Memories of 2023-2024

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  • 08/03/24

    Year 5 Visit to Audley End

    Year 5 visited Audley End to complete their learning on Victorians in History this term. The children (and staff) dressed up in Victorian attire and everybody looked great. We received compliments from members of the public and visitors of Audley End throughout the day on the children's outfits...
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  • 08/03/24

    Mothers Day Visits

    We have had a fantastic time this week with our mums visiting each class.  We hope you enjoyed observing your child in class as well as joining in special activities with them - we know the children had a great time!
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  • 08/03/24

    Jaguar Class at Forest School

    Jaguars made the most of their forest school session on Tuesday - mud sliding, fire lighting, hot cross bun cooking, tyre rolling, rope swinging, den building, bark rubbing and lots and lots of fun!  We were impressed by their team work and imagination. 
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  • 04/03/24

    Year 4 Trip to Hindu Temple

    Year 4 pupils enjoyed a highly educational, if somewhat soggy, trip to visit a practising Hindu worshipping temple.  As part of the visit, pupils learnt about the self-sufficiency of the site (relying on produce from the on-site farm), had the opportunity to feed the cattle and ride on an oxen...
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  • 04/03/24

    Gym & Dance Display

    The Gym and Dance display at Saffron Hall on Tuesday was amazing!  Well done to all those children who participated.  We would like to say a HUGE thanks to Mr Gilkes and Mrs Cadwallader who worked with the children. It was so lovely to receive so many lovely emails letting us know how much...
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  • 01/03/24

    Year 2 Great Fire of London Assembly

    Polar Bear class had so much fun sharing this term’s learning by performing a Great Fire of London assembly. Thank you to all parents and carers for their help with learning the words and providing costumes. 
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  • 15/02/24

    Okapi Class Soup Making

    Okapi class worked in teams to make soups from their own recipes. 
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  • 15/02/24

    Okapi Class Assembly

    Okapi class celebrated their learning about Vikings with a short play and some songs.
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  • 12/02/24

    Year 4 Public Speaking Team

    We were very proud of our Y4 public speaking team who represented us in an event with seven other local schools. They delivered a superb speech about how to care for our environment. We were very proud of how eloquently they spoke and the probing questions they asked to other teams.
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  • 02/02/24

    Young Voices at the O2

    Our Year 5 & 6 Choir had the most amazing experience on Monday evening performing at Young Voices as part of the world’s largest choir at London’s 02 Arena.  The children (and parents who attended in the audience) all had an amazing time.  It was an incredibly long and tiri...
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  • 26/01/24

    Year 5 Visit William Morris Museum

    On Wednesday, Year 5 visited the William Morris Gallery as part of their art learning. Throughout the day the children made careful observations of William Morris wallpaper, furniture and textiles. They had a lot of fun with hands on activities including building a stained glass window, weaving and...
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  • 19/01/24

    EY Little City Workshop

    Early Years attended a little city workshop on Friday. There were lots of real-life role-play opportunities where the children could develop their oracy skills as well as using real life contexts for maths, reading, writing and physical development. 
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  • 15/01/24

    Year 3 Roman Day

    Year 3 became Roman soldiers and Boudicca's warriors for the day, with Marcus Antonius Proculis. They learnt so much about the Roman Empire, the invasion and conquest of Britain by Emperor Claudius, how and why the Romans extended their rule of Britain and the rebellion of the Britons led by Bou...
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  • 12/01/24

    Year 2 Topic Launch

    We started our topic this half term by taking part in a Treasure Hunt. We had to find 9 clues that contain facts about our topic and then use the letters within the clues to find the hidden treasure. We found some wine, cheese and a diary buried in the ground. We can’t wait to find out what th...
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  • 08/01/24

    Year 1 Topic Land

    After learning about toys from the past and comparing them to modern toys, children created their very own toy museum. The children shared their writing and became experts on their toys.
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  • 08/01/24

    Grey Falcons at Forest School

    On November 28th, Grey Falcons had their second visit to the forest. In contrast to their first, it was a beautiful sunny winter’s afternoon. The campfire was to be lit and great fun was had creating sparks especially by Lorcan (see photo) and Joshua and the campfire was quickly alight. Soon...
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  • 19/12/23

    Christmas Around the World

    On Friday, the infant school celebrated ‘Christmas all around the world’. The children spent the day flying around the globe to learn about Christmas traditions from different countries. Many of these countries were special to children within the school as their family members are from t...
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  • 18/12/23

    Santa Visits KSS!

    The children had a fantastic time visiting Father Christmas today.  Father Christmas always enjoys coming to this school so that he can meet our amazing children and spend some time in his Christmas grotto, which is so stunningly created by Dan Vinson.  Thank you, Dan, it is amazing...
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  • 18/12/23

    Katherine Semar Composers

    We love composing in our music lessons at school, but this year, eleven budding composers took part in the Katherine Semar Christmas Carol and Song Challenge. They worked singly or in pairs to compose and perform a song or carol to share with Mrs Cass and Mrs Wheeler. It was wonderful to listen to s...
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  • 15/12/23

    Junior School Christmas Production

    The Year 3, 4 and 5 Christmas production this year was “How Christmas Came to Be” by Andrew Oxspring and Ian Faraday. This festive and entertaining production was fun to perform and gave the children lots of opportunities for acting and singing.
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  • 15/12/23

    Infant School Christmas Production

    The Infant School children performed their Christmas production last week, “Born in a Barn”.  They absolutely astounded us with their brilliant singing, energetic dancing and superb acting. A special mention to our Early Years children who performed amazingly in their first eve...
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  • 08/12/23

    Flame Robins Enjoy Forest School

    Flame Robins had a wonderful time at an even muddier Forest School. They ran, slid, skidded, swung, whittled, used flints for making the fire, chased, explored and built dens.  They even had the opportunity to shape and cook some 'stone age' oat cakes.  Well done, Flame Robins, you...
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  • 08/12/23

    Spirit of Christmas

    On Saturday 2nd December, Katherine Semar Junior Choir performed at the annual Spirit of Christmas celebration in St Mary’s Church, Saffron Walden. The choir of Y4, 5 and 6 pupils, under the direction of Mrs Wheeler, performed beautifully. They sang with sensitivity, expression and well-contro...
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  • 04/12/23

    KSS Christmas Fayre

    We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped at or attended our Christmas Fayre last week. We hope all the children had a wonderful time – it was fantastic seeing their excitement and happy faces. We were amazed when we totalled up our Christmas Fayre takings to discover we...
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  • 23/11/23

    Year 3 Sticks, Stones and Bones launch

    Year 3 enjoyed unpacking a box of real Stone Age artefacts from Saffron Walden Museum.  They looked for evidence of how the artefacts had been manufactured, and clues as to what made the stones 'artefacts' rather than just 'stones'.  They came up with deductions as to the u...
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  • 23/11/23

    Year 3 at Forest School

    Flame Robins and Grey Falcons had a fun and very muddy time at their first Forest School session of Year 3.  They tested their resilience in ascending muddy slopes, sliding down, helping each other carry logs, making dens, whittling spears, splashing in puddles, and fighting off dragons (see if...
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  • 17/11/23

    Year 3 & 4 Dodgeball Tournament

    On Wednesday 8th November Katherine Semar took 3 teams from the Year 3&4 Dodgeball Squad to compete in the Dodgeball Tournament at Lord Butler. 
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  • 13/11/23

    Infant Remembrance Day Assembly

    During our Infant School Remembrance Assembly on Friday, we all took a moment of quiet reflection to remember those that have given their lives for us. At the end of the assembly, all the children added their pennies to the poppy as part of our contribution towards this year’s Poppy Appeal. Th...
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  • 10/11/23

    Puma Class Remembrance Assembly

    On Friday 10th November 2023, Puma Class held a Remembrance Day Assembly.  All children placed their donations on a huge poppy, which will be given to the Royal British Legion.
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  • 10/11/23

    Early Years Owl VIsit

    Early Years recently launched their new topic with a visit from the Owl Raptor Foundation where they got close to different birds and got a chance to see them fly.  
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  • 10/11/23

    Year 1 Topic Launch

    Year One launched their topic by holding an 'old toy' museum. The children thoroughly enjoyed finding out about the toys and playing with them. Some of the toys were more than 40 years old and extremely well-loved. What a magical morning for toy lovers!
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  • 10/11/23

    Lynx Class Assembly

    Lynx Class recently held their class assembly - please enjoy the photos.
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  • 10/11/23

    Leopard Class Assembly

    Leopard Class recently held their class assembly - please enjoy the photos.
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  • 06/11/23

    Year 5 Ancient Greek Day

    Year 5 travelled back in time to Ancient Greece and took part in a variety of different activities. They visited a market square and tried out different crafts including making a wax tablet and a mosaic. Some children paid a visit to the apothecary for advice and cures for their ailments. Meanwhile...
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  • 06/11/23

    Year 6 Visit Duxford IWM

    On Thursday 2nd November, Year 6 landed their WW2 topic by making documentaries at Duxford. The children had already become experts on the Battle of Britain, and it was superb to watch them confidently make videos about the subject.
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  • 03/11/23

    Year 2 Visit Colchester Zoo

    Year 2 had an amazing time visiting Colchester Zoo. After learning so much about the Amazing Animals that live in hot and cold climates in our geography and science lessons last half term, visiting the zoo to see some of these animals in real life was a great way to ‘land’ the topic...
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  • 03/11/23

    Year 1 Superhero Day

    Year 1 recently had a fantastic day celebrating the end of their topic We Are Heroes. The children came to school dressed as superheroes or everyday heroes. We were very lucky to have a visit from a nurse, a detective and our local firefighters. We learnt all about the important roles of o...
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  • 03/11/23

    EYFS Topic Land

    EYFS had a wonderful topic land! We received a letter from The Three Bears with a pumpkin that they had found in the forest! We made pumpkin soup for The Three Bears and then hunted for them in the forest and enjoyed tasting our home-made soup!
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  • 30/10/23

    Year 6 Visit Henry Moore Studios

    Recently, Year 6 visited the Henry Moore Studios and Gardens to help inspire their artwork.
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  • 20/10/23

    Grey Falcon Class Assembly

    On Thursday 19th October, Grey Falcons presented their class assembly. The focus was their topic ‘Down Under’ and they showed how much they had learnt about Australia in Geography, English, Music and Art. 
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  • 16/10/23

    Year 3 Multi-Sports Festival

    Year 3 enjoyed a sunny, happy and fun afternoon at St Thomas More taking part in a multi-sports festival organised by the Uttlesford School Sports Partnership.  Thank you to the parents who helped with walking to the venue.
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  • 13/10/23

    Harvest Festival Assemblies

    This week we held our Harvest Festival Assemblies.   Congratulations to all the children on their wonderful performances, especially the Early Years children as this was their first ever Assembly!
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  • 13/10/23

    Year 6 World War 1 Day

    Students of Year 6 at Katherine Semar Schools embarked on a thrilling journey through history as they were visited by a World War I re-enactment team and a remarkable 102-year-old pilot, Ted, who regaled them with tales of aviation adventures spanning eight decades. The event, part of their history...
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  • 22/09/23

    Early Years Topic Launch

    Early Years launched their topic by discovering a crime scene in the school hall ! The children used their detective skills to conclude that the scene had been caused by Goldilocks breaking into the three bears' cottage!
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  • 22/09/23

    EY Children in the "Big" Playground

    The Early Years children are enjoying playing in the 'big playground.' Some Y6 buddies have joined them to help them learn the rules and ensure they have a happy and safe time.
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  • 22/09/23

    Norfolk Lakes 2023

    Please enjoy all our photos of our Year 6 children having a fantastic time at Norfolk Lakes recently.
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  • 18/09/23

    Year 6 at Clip 'n' Climb

    Some of the Year 6 children had a fantastic time at Clip 'n' Climb last week.   Enjoy the photos!
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  • 18/09/23

    Year 2 Topic Launch - Amazing Animals

    Polar bear class made a great start to their science topic on Amazing Animals. They invented some amazing new animals. They had to carefully consider the animals special abilities, what they ate and what the animal needed in its habitat. They then designed their animals, labelled their special...
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