

Mr Hull is the subject lead for French, which is the modern foreign language (MFL) taught at Katherine Semar.

We are working within a languages network, in close collaboration with SWCHS (Saffron Walden County High School) to deliver a high quality curriculum that dovetails neatly into their Year 7 curriculum.


Although not statutory in the Infant school, French is also taught in Year 1 and 2 through games, songs and stories. Years 3 and 4 introduce written as well as oral language, and by Year 5 and 6 the children are speaking in full sentences. As a conclusion to our primary curriculum, an annual visit to France is organised for Year 6 in the Summer term.


Below you will find the long term plan, vocabulary taught in Years 3 to 6 as well as the French Self Evaluation form.


Year 3 ended their French unit of work on animals by learning and performing a French version of the song Old McDonald. Have a look at the videos here:

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